Level one

this is the current Design for level one

Level tow

this is the current Design for level two

Hi! and welcome to my humble page

If you have played the "game" Thank you for play-testing the game, put if you haven't please make sure to do so, so I can get your feedback.

No this isn't a fully flushed out game it's just a prototype of something much bigger. For now it's a bunch of stuff that I've learned in this following day on GD (Gdevelop) hopefully after I get all the knowledge surrounding the software and Pixel-Art I'll be able to make intricate games with a much more in-depth design and Story.

Again this is only a prototype or more like a sandbox (for me) that I put my skills to action and see what I can make :D

Note: u can press P to go back to the main menu

Development log

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